How to Treat and Mitigate Radon Problem in Your Home in New Jersey?

How to Treat and Mitigate Radon Problem in Your Home in New Jersey?

How to Treat and Mitigate Radon Problem in Your Home in New Jersey?


Radon is a gas that can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation and other places. Once radon has found its way into your living space, it can accumulate to high levels without you even realizing it. The only way to eliminate the harmful gas is by getting rid of it with professional help. Radon mitigation specialists offer radon treatment in New Jersey to help you detect where radon may be entering your home and seal up any gaps to prevent it from coming in.

Are you still wondering what radon gas brings to your home, or why should you mitigate radon problems in your houses?

Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. It comes from the uranium in soil and rock and moves through the ground to enter homes. Radon gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, but it can cause you to develop lung cancer over time. The risk for developing lung cancer from radon exposure is greater when breathing radon for many years. You now probably know why it is essential to mitigate radon problems in your houses and prevent further entry. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of having radon in your home. Firstly, you should have your home tested for radon, especially if there are smokers or people with compromised immune systems living there.

Mitigation of Radon from Your Houses

In response to high radon levels in your home, mitigation professionals are trained in the latest techniques for identifying whether radon gas is present in your home. They’ll use a monitor to measure the level of radon in your environment, make recommendations, and create an action plan. Mitigation professionals also fix up common dangers when they come across them in the process.

Radon mitigation is a process in which radon levels are reduced to safe levels in a building. The most common mitigation technique is sealing and venting. In this method, radon gas can be removed from your home or office by using a vent that is vented outside and installing a fan that keeps the air pressure in the house less than atmospheric. There are also other sophisticated methods for radon treatment, such as sub-slab-depressurization. Sub-slab depressurization has more moving parts but is less costly for big commercial buildings.


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